Edie Melson will be a speaker at AnAuthor World's 3rd annual writing conference, The Story Continues. She's a freelance writer and editor with over 16 years experience in the publishing industry. Edie’s a prolific writer, publishing over 700 articles in 2010. She also has a popular writing blog (www.thewriteconversation.blogspot.com) and is a frequent contributor to many others. In keeping up with the leading edge of all things digital Edie has become known as one of the go-to experts on Twitter, Facebook, and social media for writers wanting to learn how to plug in. Her bestselling eBook on this subject, Social Media Marketing for Writers, is available on Kindle and Nook.
AnAuthor World: Why did you decide to be a writer?
Edie: I’ve always told stories and I actually wrote my first book—long-hand—in 8th grade. It’s funny, I was looking back through some of my old year books and several kids commented about me becoming a bestselling writer.
AAW: How did you learn to write?
Edie: I’ve learned through taking classes, reading books and ACTUALLY WRITING. So many wanna-be writers avoid the last one. Also, I’m still learning, I always have at least one book on writing that I’m studying and I try to read at least one blog post about writing every day.
AAW: How did you first get published?
Edie: I guess officially my first published writing was with my technical writing. But my first freelance article was one I sold through a contact at a writers conference. I sold a short article to Focus on the Family at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (www.my-cwc.com)
AAW: How many published books do you have?
Edie: I have one bestselling eBook, Social Media Marketing for Writers and another book due out by the end of the year, Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home when Your Soldier Leaves for War. (www.christiandevotionsbooks.com)
AAW: What else have you written?
Edie: In 2010 I published over 700 articles. In truth, if it’s not illegal or immoral, I’ll write about it. I have a life-long love affair with words.
AAW: What are you working on now?
Edie: I manage and/or write for over 27 blogs and websites. I’m also working on a Science Fiction Novel.
AAW: Do you teach writing? If so, where do you teach and what subjects?
Edie: I do teach writing. I teach freelancing, blogging, writing for the Internet, and writing devotions. I’m a frequent teacher with AnAuthor World and I teach at writing conferences around the country. I’m also the Co-Director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (www.my-cwc.com) and Southwest Christian Writers Studio (www.my-cwc.com).
AAW: Have you been rejected? If so, how do you handle rejections?
Edie: Absolutely I’ve been rejected! But I learned getting published on a regular basis is a numbers game. Starting out, the ratio tends to be about 10 queries to every 2 acceptances. The numbers do improve with experience. I actually set a goal of how many rejections I want to get within a month. That insures I’ll get the acceptances as well and makes the rejections a little less painful. But trust me, they always hurt.
AAW: Who are your favorite authors?
Edie: I have so many. Alton Gansky, Ted Dekker, Susan May Warren, Lynette Eason, Pam Zollman, Carolyn G. Hart, Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn Nye . . . I could go on and on and on!
AAW: What advice do you have for new writers?
Edie: Write every day. Concentrate on learning your craft and publication will come.
The Story Continues Writing Conference
Date: October 15, 2011
Place: Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC
Time: 8:00-8:30 a.m. -- Walk-in Registration; pick up folders
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. -- Conference
4:30-5:30 p.m. -- Autographing
Price: $100 general; $90 AAW Community Members; $65 students
Early Bird Special (until August 15): $85 general; $75 AAWC members; $50 students
Manuscript critiques available: deadline for manuscripts is September 1, 2011
Speakers: Ann Ross, Lynette Eason, Ellis Vidler, Patricia Thomas, Edie Melson, Pam Zollman, two editors from Peachtree Books
Teen Track: Carol Baldwin, instructor
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Teachers: You will receive in-service hours for attending.
Register on-line at www.anauthorworld.com and click on the "Events" button.