Hi y'all!
I wanted to let you know that AnAuthor World's fall classes will be starting in September. You can go to http://www.anauthorworld.com/ to view them and to sign up. All classes will be held at AnAuthor World studio (475 Haywood Road, Suite 8, Greenville, SC 29607, inside Hargis Art Services, which is in the same shopping center as the Melting Pot Restaurant).
Send a Friend Discounts: If you have a friend sign up for one of our classes (doesn't have to be the same class you're taking), then you'll get 20% off of your class price. So that means that if you send 5 friends, you'd get the class for free! How cool is that?
"Basics of Writing Fiction 1" -- Pam Zollman, instructor
4 weeks -- Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.September 3-24th
Cost: $95
This course will explore the basics of character development, setting, plot, and point of view to help beginning writers get their story on paper. Students will write a first draft of their story as homework. Pam will help you understand the critiquing process and introduce you to the world of publishing.
"Basics of Writing Fiction 2" -- Pam Zollman and Tim Davis, instructors
4 weeks -- Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
4 weeks -- Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
October 1-22nd
Cost: $95
This course is designed for writers with a manuscript in first draft form, ready for revision. Pam will work thorugh the editorial process with chapter-book authors, while Tim will help picture-book authors work thorugh the dummying stage and discuss the relationship of illustration to the text. Specific strageies for submission will prepare students for publication.
"Principles of Illustration" -- Tim Davis, instructor
6 weeks -- Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
September 1-October 6th
Cost: $145
This course is for prospective illustrators. It will not teach students how to draw, but will rather guide talented artists to a better understanding of what makes good illustration. Tim will discuss a full range of topics, including composition, line, style, and color. He will assign correlating projects to be critiqued in class. Students should bring samles of their artwork and drawing materials to the first session.
"Overview of Creative Writing" -- Pam Zollman, instructor
3 weeks -- Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
September 14-28th
Cost: $75
Cost: $75
This course will give an overview of writing fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for beginning writers. In-class assignments will help students find their writing niche.
"Characterization, Plot, and Structure" -- Pam Zollman, instructor
8 weeks -- Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
October 5-November 23rd
Cost: $195
This advanced course is designed for writers working thorugh the revision process for their manuscripts. Pam wil provide specific help for authors to help their writing reach its full potential.
"Digital Illustration" -- Tim Davis, instructor
4 weeks -- Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
January 5-February 2nd
Cost: $95
This coure is specifically designed to help students learn the basics of illustration using Adobe products, especially Illustrator and Photoshop. Tim will discuss practical strategies for the creation of digital illustrations and assign correlating projects to be critiqued in class. Students will need to have their own computers with Photoshop and/or Illustrator.
I hope that you can join one of our classes!
Don't forget the "Send a Friend Discount Program."
Check our website (http://www.anauthorworld.com/) for more information. Also check the website for upcoming events!