Nope, not eating carrots.
Nope, not being cute and furry.
Yep...for being good at math. Multiplying, specifically.
So, how do you make multiplying bunnies work for you? What if those multiplying bunnies were books instead of rabbits?
1) Writing lots of books.
You've got more than one book in you. In fact, you're probably brimming with ideas for stories. There's a trick to writing lots of books...and that is that you have to actually write them. You can't just talk about them. You can't just jot down notes, although this is an important part of it. You have to sit down at your computer and write.
2) Writing sequels.
When you write your books, don't aim first for writing series. Most editors don't want series from first-time authors. You'll have to prove yourself with your first book. But make sure that your main character, your bunny, is developed enough to produce another book or two or three. That way, when your readers -- and editor -- start asking for more books, you'll have a character waiting for another problem to solve in a sequel. Your first book, though, has to stand on its own merits. If it doesn't attract enough readership, then a sequel won't either.
3) Writing series.
Readers adore series! They invest time and energy in your book and come to love your main character. And they want to spend more time with him or her in more books. However, your main character will have to be developed enough to sustain long series. In stand-alone books, the character grows a lot from the beginning to the end. But in a series, your main character grows slowly...but he does grow and change, just at a different pace.
4) Writing every day.
In order to get lots of books written, whether stand-alones or sequels or series, you'll have to plan time every day to write. If you don't plan to write, then there will always be something that claims to be more important that will take that spot of time from you. Make your writing time important. Remember, you have future readers waiting for your book.
Okay, go write and make those bunnies multiply.