Monday, September 13, 2010

Marketing Your Work

You spent a long time writing your manuscript. Now what? Editors and agents aren’t going to come knocking at your door, asking to look through your file drawers. Nor can readers buy something they don’t know exists. So how do you let them know?

This class will concentrate on writing query letters, cover letters , synopses, and proposals, as well as when and where to send them. We will also talk about ways to promote your work before and after you sell it.

I will be teaching this class starting this Thursday at 6:30 at AnAuthor World’s studio (475 Haywood, inside Hargis Art Services & Gallery, next to The Melting Pot restaurant).

You can register online: Go to Course Catalog in the navagation bar and a drop-down menu will appear. Click on 2010 Schedule and Registration. Then click on “Marketing Your Work.” You’ll be taken to a page where you can fill out your information and we’ll hold a spot for you. You can also pay by PayPal. If you want to pay by check or cash, please email me at to let me know that you’ll bringing payment to class on Thursday.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me! Hope to see you Thursday!

Monday, September 6, 2010

More About My Underwear...Book

Well, I didn't get to do all that I wanted to do this week. I was critiquing manuscripts from classes and friends. But I did read over what I'd written eight long years ago. My goal was to read it over and make notes about anything I wanted to change or edit or add. It was hard to do! I'd had on my editor hat all week, and it was hard to take it off when I was reading my own work. My fingers were itching to do a complete rewrite, an overnhaul...but now is not the time. There's actually not many big changes that I'd make, but I still wanted to do it.

The reason I'm resisting doing edits is because now is not the time. I need to get the words down first...make some "word clay." After I've gotten the novel written, then I can go back and edit and revise. If I do it now, then all I'm doing is polishing the first six chapters, instead of finishing my book.

I resisted editing and made notes, so that when I'm ready, I can review my notes and add more. Now I'm ready to write another chapter. I'm going to try to do 1,000 words each day. That's about 4 pages. That feels slow to me, because I'm used to writing much faster. But, right now, I think I'll be doing good to get that much written each day.

Thanks for all the encouragement! I really appreciate it.