Friday, July 23, 2010

Laptop or Pen and Paper?

When you go to a writers conference, do you prefer to use a laptop or old-fashioned pen and paper to take notes?

I type faster than I can write, but sometimes a laptop is harder to tote around. I may have to invest in one of those cute little netbooks. My son loves his.

So if I don't take a laptop, I use notebooks. Some people like to use loose-leaf paper and then collect their notes in a binder.

What do you do?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thought for the Day

Are you writing? Remember, a writer writes. Make a goal of writing at least a page a day. A page is 20-22 lines and between 250-300 words. That's all. That's not much to ask of a writer.

Just think! In a year of only writing one page a day, you'll have 365 pages. It's true that this will be a first draft. But until you put it on paper, you won't have anything.

So make that your goal: At least a page a day.